Why Solar? Because SolarworX
geyser solar


At SolarworX we understand that people lead busy lives, and that spending hours trying to understand how solar water heater systems work and which system would be best for their particular circumstances, is just not an option!

As such we have condensed the 5 MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS INTO SHORT ANSWERS - We call them THE BIG 5!

After a quick read of these we are sure you will agree that the next best option is to contact us via email or Telephone and request a NO OBLIGATIONS and FREE QUOTE.

Q1. Where do I use the most electricity in MY home?
Q2. How will the electricity tariff increase by ESKOM affect ME?
Q3. Will I still have hot water when it is cold, overcast (cloudy) and rainy?
Q4. What kind of back up and warranties do I get with my system?


Q1. Where do I use the most electricity in MY home?

You see why it makes sense therefore to find an alternative to electricity to heat the water in your geyser!

water heating


Q2. How will the electricity tariff increase by ESKOM affect ME?

As you are aware that from July 2009 ESKOM began increasing their electricity tariffs by an average of 27% per annum over the next 4 years…

What does that mean to you the consumer?

For every R100 you spent on electricity in 2009, ESKOM will charge you as follows in the future:

Date of Increase   09-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul
Annual Increase   31% 24.80% 24.90% 24.90%
R100 ESKOM Bill will increase as follows R 100.00 R 131.00 R 155.80 R 180.70 R 205.60

And if you live in Johannesburg ..... every R100 will increase BY AN ADDITIONAL 4% as follows:

Date of Increase   09-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul
Annual Increase   31% 28.80% 28.90% 28.90%
R100 ESKOM Bill will increase as follows R 100.00 R 131.00 R 159.80 R 188.70 R 243.23

OUCH! In everyone’s language!

So work out what that means for YOUR average electricity bill!

Take 40% of that as water heating and imagine if this could be significantly reduced through the use of FREE Solar Power!


Q3. Will I still have hot water when it is cold, overcast (cloudy) and rainy?

YES – the solar system is just an additional (FREE) source of heat… whenever you need hot water it will be available!
Most of our solar geysers come with electrical back-up. The ESKOM rebate system requires 2 items to be mandatory in order for the system to qualify for a rebate:

  1. Electrical backup – in other words there is an electrical element to heat the water just like a normal geyser – this means that - IF REQUIRED - it will heat the water for your early morning shower or when it has rained ALL day!
  2. Timer – the timer will make sure that the geyser is heated by the electrical backup when you want it to IF the solar has not heated it up to the standard 65°C.

What does that mean? It means that you save money BIG time as your geyser is not coming on ALL day when you are not there and the sun is shining! Have a look at the FAQ/Technical if you require more detail.


Q4. What kind of back up and warranties do I get with my system?

SolarworX is committed to leaving a legacy for our children and their children. As such, we only use the best products available in the market, and back up our workmanship with the following product Warrantees:

  • Geyser - 5 - 10 Year Limited Guarantee, dependant on Manufacturer
  • Flat Plate & Vacuum Tube Collectors - 5 Year Limited Guarantee from Manufacturer
  • Electrical Components - 1 Year Limited Warrantee from Manufacturer, except the electrical element and thermostat.
  • Heat Pumps – 1 Year Limited Guarantee from the Manufacturer – Possible to extend to 5 years with an inexpensive maintenance plan.

If there are any issues whatsoever, SolarworX will assist to resolve in a satisfactory manner!


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